Turck's BL20 and BL67 modular I/O systems become IO-Link-capable with the new master modules
IO-Link Master Modules
04/14 – New master modules extend Turck's BL20 and BL67 I/O systems with IO-Link functionality for a large number of fieldbus and Ethernet protocols
Turck is extending its portfolio of IO-Link solutions by adding new master modules for its BL20 and BL67 modular I/O systems. The new IO-Link master modules fully support specification 1.1 with the transmission rates 4.8, 38.4 and 230.4 kBaud (COM 1, COM 2 and COM 3). This provides the user with a wide range of possibilities for implementing IO-Link communication in a large number of fieldbus and Ethernet networks. The BL67 system now also provides a modular IO-Link master in IP67 with an operating temperature range of -40…+70 °C for harsh industrial environments.
By the product launch in the summer it will be possible to use the 4-channel IO-Link master modules with the gateways for Profibus, CANopen as well as the Ethernet protocols Profinet, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP. The EtherCAT, DeviceNet and Modbus RTU protocols will then follow in the second step.
All new modules support Turck's multiprotocol technology, which allows the use of the same device in Profinet, EtherNet/IP and Modbus-TCP networks. The multiprotocol devices can be operated automatically in each of the three Ethernet systems and thus reduce inventory and engineering requirements. The devices detect the protocol used by listening to the communication traffic during the startup phase.