The simulation result shows the propagation of the UHF signals from the point of view of the read/write head shown in green
Simulation Software for UHF-RFID Applications
Turck simulates complex UHF-RFID applications with Raytracer software
Mülheim, October 2, 2012 – A software based on the ray tracer algorithm enables Turck to simulate the complex UHF applications of customers and thus more reliably estimate the accessibility of RFID tags and read/write heads. Together with the customer, Turck specialists go through various scenarios in order to determine the optimum operating parameters and ideal positions of read/write heads and RFID tags. Read/write heads on moving elements or moving RFID tags can also be simulated.
The software is based on a 3D model of the application, which contains information about the position, size and material properties of all elements in the application. This information is used to calculate any reflections occurring from metal elements or media containing water, as well as any undesirable effects such as wave fading or overreach. The simulation is particularly useful for applications where the expense required for a test application is disproportionately high. Experience with the simulation software to date has shown that the calculations are virtually identical to actual onsite measurements and thus make planning considerably more efficient.