Together they are going to develop the UHF-RFID-technology further: Anatoli Stobbe (deister) and Ulrich Turck (Turck)
Turck intensifies RFID-commitment
13/11 – Turck and deister electronic arrange a long-term technology- and know-how-transfer in the field of UHF-RFID-technology
Muelheim, September 28, 2011 – Turck intensifies its activities regarding the HF/UHF-RFID-system BL ident now also for the long-range UHF (Ultra High Frequency) area. Therefore the automation specialist arranged a technology- and marketing cooperation with his partner deister electronic, that governs a long-term technology- and know-how-transfer in the field of UHF-RFID-technology. According to the cooperation contract, Turck is now allowed to market, develop and produce the deister-UHF-technology in the field of automation technology. In other fields, deister will still market the technology on its own.
„This cooperation is a milestone in corporate development of both partners and the customers are going to benefit from this“, Turck’s managing director Christian Wolf comments the contract. „With our application know-how in the field of automation technology and based on the elaborate UHF-technology from deister, we will be able to develop it further. Our customers always will find the applicable combined read/write head for their requirements, no matter if in the established HF – or in the long range UHF-band. And deister benefits from this cooperation also in other industries.“
„Users increasingly expect custom-fit system solutions that are coordinated on one another“, Anatoli Stobbe, managing partner of deister electronic, explains. „That is why the departments for development and projects of both cooperation partners work together closely in this defined area. For us this cooperation also means that with Turck, we gained a very strong sales partner in the area of automation technology. But deister electronic will also concentrate on additional fields of application.“